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  • Name - KIRUTHIKA.E

    Date of Birth - 01/07/1999

    Education - Engineering / B.E

    Other Education - B.TECH(CIVIL)

    Salary - 0.00

    Rassi - Makaram

    Star - Thiruvonam

  • Personal Information

    Gender - female

    Age - 22 Years 4 Month 29 Days

    Time of Birth - 10.59

    Birth order - 1

    Compelexion - Brown

    Height - 5.2

    Occupation -

    other Occupation -


    Working place -

    Father Name - ELANGOVAN.T

    Father Occupation - WIRE MAN

    Mother Name - VINOTHINI.J

    Mother Occupation - LDC

    Native - PONDICHERRY

    House - OWN HOUSE

    Residing place - PONDICHERRY

    Property Information -

    No. of. Elder Brothers -

    No. of. Elder Brothers Married -

    No. of. younger Brothers -

    No. of. younger Brothers Married -

    No. of. Elder Sisters -

    No. of. Elder Sisters Married -

    No. of. younger Sisters - 1

    No. of. younger Sisters Married -

    Rassi - Makaram

    Star - Thiruvonam

    Lagnam - Thiruvonam

    For security purpose only 25 profile contact can be viewed